Lecture 1: Overview, Hamiltonians and Phase Diagrams
Lecture 2: New Keynesian Model in Continuous Time
Lecture 3: Werning (2012) “Managing a Liquidity Trap”
Lecture 4: Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations, Stochastic Differential Equations
Lecture 5: Stochastic HJB Equations, Kolmogorov Forward Equations
Lecture 6: Income and Wealth Distribution
Supplement: Why Piketty Says r-g Matters for Inequality
Lecture 7: Stopping Time Problems, Firm Size Distribution
Lecture 8: Gabaix (2011) “Granular Origins”, More on Heterogeneous Firms
Lecture 9: Lucas and Moll (2012), “Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of Time”, More on Endogenous Growth
Lecture 10: Alvarez and Shimer (2011), “Search and Rest Unemployment”